1.The aim of the invention is to produce a resealable packaging bag in a simple, cost-effective manner.
2.You can use Dublin Core to catalog all sorts of information in an effective manner that is both easy to update and easy to query and use.
3.Also, she added, the agricultural sector needs more support and that aid should be delivered in a more efficient and effective manner.
4.It is a great subject in Party building theory and practice to develop inner-party democracy in a more cost-effective manner.
5.The goal of this course is to remedy previous deficiencies in language education in the most efficient and effective manner possible.
6.The Department raises revenue through taxes , duties and fees in accordance with the relevant legislation in a cost- effective manner .
7.Immunization has reduced morbidity and mortality across the world in a safe and cost-effective manner.
8.Appropriate storage conditions ensure that records are protected, accessible and managed in a cost-effective manner.
9.Agreed corrective and preventative actions should be completed in a timely and effective manner.
10.Both sides should continue to enhance coordination and advance cooperation in all areas in an orderly and effective manner.